Anti-mine activity

According to the statement of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Ukraine, our state has become the most mined country in the world due to a full-scale Russian invasion. Munitions and remnants of war pose a serious threat to the civilian population.
According to the Law of Ukraine on mine action in Ukraine Humanitarian demining is a set of measures taken by mine action operators to eliminate the dangers associated with explosive substances, including non-technical and technical surveys of territories, mapping, detection, disposal and/or destruction of explosives, marking, preparation of post-demining documentation, provision of information to the population about anti-mine measures and transfer of cleared territories to urban communities. Demining activities are carried out in the interests of national security in order to reduce the social, economic and environmental impact of explosives on people's lives and activities. Explosive remnants of war include unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosive ordnance associated with hostilities.

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    Anti-mine activities of «Global Demining» are carried out in cooperation with governments, international organizations and agencies to carry out humanitarian demining of minefields, booby trap mines and other areas where explosive ordnance has been dropped or abandoned by warring parties. Our team performs its work competently, objectively and impartially; acts on the basis, within the limits of authority and in the manner provided by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.
    The main components of humanitarian demining in Ukraine are:
    ● demining and utilization of explosive remnants of war;
    ● learning about the risks associated with explosive remnants of war;
    ● destruction of ammunition unsuitable for further use and storage, as well as ammunition subject to destruction, in accordance with international standards;
    ● assistance to victims;
    ● informing the population about the prohibition of the use and application of anti-personnel mines and the handling of explosive objects.