About the company

«Global Demining» – Ukrainian operator of humanitarian demining and training of sappers to carry out mine countermeasures. The team of experts has the appropriate education and permission to examine, recover and destroy ammunition on the territory of Ukraine. The company is certified for compliance with international standards and has accreditation on the territory of Ukraine, is responsible for the implementation of projects or tasks related to mine action or demining, may be involved in the implementation of measures in the field of mine action and humanitarian demining, monitoring of demining, etc.
Activities:● Anti-mine activity, including:
- technical and non-technical survey of the mined territory;
- demining by hand;
- clearing the area of hostilities;
- disposal of explosive remnants of war;
● Direction to the training center for sappers.

The Global Demining team works diligently to eliminate the threat posed by mines, explosive remnants of war and improvised explosive devices.
The work of our center is based on the key pillars of mine action.


In particular, we are guided by the humanitarian and social aspect, we provide assistance in the search, extraction and cleaning of Ukrainian territories from mines and explosive objects.
Demining is carried out on a "turnkey" basis: we carry out site surveys, mapping, marking, decontamination and destruction of ammunition, and transfer the cleared area to local communities and end users for further safe use.

Our mission:Conscientiously and qualitatively carry out anti-mine activities to unlock life support facilities and provide guarantees of unhindered activities of citizens in the territories affected by the war.