Anti-mine activity

Clean and safe Ukrainian fields
«Global Demining» – is a Ukrainian operator of humanitarian demining and training of sappers to carry out anti-mine activity. The team of experts has the appropriate education and permission to examine, recover and destroy ammunition on the territory of Ukraine.

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Anti-mine activity

- Terms- Main components

Survey of territories

- Non-technical survey- Technical survey

Disposal of minesand explosive ordnance

- Demining the territory- Disposal of explosive ordnance- Inspection and checkup

Sapperstraining center

- Training of specialists- Employment of sappers

Algorithm for demining territories


Immediate reacting

after artillery, missile and air strikes, after incidents with explosive objects, for the purpose of finding and destroying unexploded ordnance (their remains), ensuring procedural actions of law enforcement agencies


Detection and neutralization

explosive objects for unlocking the functioning of life support facilities, transport infrastructure and residents' access to social facilities, housing stock



of explosive objects in designated areas as part of ensuring the safety of local communities



with the involvement of anti-mine action operators of contaminated areas that could potentially contain risks from explosive objects



by anti-mine operator's activities as a part of the implementation of the land release algorithm contains a procedure for reducing territories during non-technical and technical survey and demining



Quality control of demining by accredited organizations.After successful external quality control, the anti-mine action operator transmit responsibility for the territory to locals

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In case of detection of suspicious objects or ordnance, it is not allowed to approach, lift, kick, use radio-electronic means in the places where they were found.
Immediately move to a safe distance and call the emergency services on 101 or 102, as well as warn people around about the possible danger or make a mark on a tree, etc.



49051 Dnipro city, Ukraine Kalynova str, 12, ap.10


+38 073 183 03 03ten.gninimedlabolg%40eciffo

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